Smart Ways to Save Water and Lower Bills in Your Garden

Gardening is a rewarding pastime, but it can also lead to higher water bills, especially during the warmer months. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways to save water in your garden without compromising the health of your plants. Here are some smart tips to help you conserve water and lower your bills.

1. Collect Rainwater

One of the easiest ways to save water is to collect rainwater. Set up a water butt or rain barrel to catch water from your roof. This collected rainwater can be used for watering your plants, keeping your garden lush and reducing your reliance on mains water.

2. Water at the Right Times

Timing your watering can make a significant difference in water usage. Water your garden early in the morning or late in the evening to minimise evaporation. During the hottest parts of the day, water can evaporate quickly, meaning your plants don’t get the hydration they need.

3. Use Drought-Resistant Plants

Consider planting drought-resistant and native species that thrive in your local climate. These plants require less water and are often more resilient against dry conditions. Look for varieties that are well-adapted to your environment, which can lead to substantial savings on your water bill.

4. Mulch Your Garden

Adding a layer of mulch around your plants helps retain moisture in the soil and reduces the need for frequent watering. Organic mulches, such as wood chips or straw, also improve soil quality as they decompose.

5. Practice Efficient Watering

Instead of using a hose or sprinkler, consider drip irrigation systems or soaker hoses that deliver water directly to the roots of your plants. This targeted watering method minimises waste and ensures that your plants receive the moisture they need.

6. Explore the WaterSure Scheme

If you have a water meter and find that your gardening needs lead to high water usage, you may want to consider applying for the WaterSure Scheme offered by United Utilities. This scheme helps cap your water bill, making it more manageable during peak usage times. Find out more about the WaterSure Scheme in one of our blogs here: Lower Bills for High Water Needs: United Utilities WaterSure Scheme Explained.

By implementing these smart water-saving strategies in your garden, you can enjoy a vibrant outdoor space while reducing your water bills and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Contact Us for Help

If you have questions about managing water usage in your garden or need assistance with your water bill, Citizens Advice East Lancashire is here for you. We can provide guidance on water-saving strategies and help you explore available support options.

United Utilities customers can also benefit from the United Utilities Trust Fund, which offers financial assistance to those struggling to pay their water bills. Let us assist you in finding the right support.

You can email us at or visit our website for more information:

Milen Kolev