Struggling with Water Bills? Here's How to Get Help

If you’re having trouble paying your water bill, don’t worry – there’s support available. Here’s what you can do:

1. Assess Your Finances

Take a look at your income and expenses to figure out how much you can afford to pay.

2. Contact Your Water Supplier

Reach out to your supplier, such as United Utilities, to discuss your options. They offer payment plans and financial support.

3. Explore Payment Plans and Discounts

Many suppliers offer flexible payment options. Ask about schemes like WaterSure, which caps your bill if you meet certain criteria, or apply for support through the United Utilities Trust Fund.

4. Seek Additional Support

Organisations like Citizens Advice East Lancashire can help you manage your finances and access further support.

Don’t hesitate to ask for help – there are resources to support you.

Need Help with Your Water Bills?

If you're struggling with water bills or debt, the United Utilities Trust Fund can provide assistance. Visit their website for more information.

Milen Kolev